why a wife having affair with another man looks SO MUCH evil than a husband who has another woman?it’s been the society who took it that way but as for me, the rate of evilness for betraying spouse is just the same… doesn’t matter it’s on the husband or wife.axn, sorry but wat’s your point
Holly! I love that I can see you fully in reader now! What a sweet idea and I love that it comes from your childhood memories. My kids would just love this. xo
I have asked you sooooo many questions this week already! I hate to ask anymore! My question for everyone lately is how do you know if you are getting enough calories and the right calories for the amount you are burning exercising?? I am always starving and not trying to lose weight so I struggle with this!!!
rusijai tai nieko as neduociau sudas va bobutes tris zodzius angliskai pasako ir zjbs daina zemas man ir kvailas lygis prikola padare o idijotai balsuos