jack about Resolution 362 which will be voted on soon, and if it passes, will allow the US to form a naval blockage around Iran, which they consider an act of war. It's all part of their scheme to continue , which I wrote about the other day. Let's hope he outsmarts them.
flow) Francis turbine pico hydro system. Total production is ~42kW hours per day. We also have solar DHW and make use of passive solar space heating...
Twitterku aja masih kosong gak pernah ngetwitt kecuali dari Feed,, apanya yang mau di hapus mau twitteran kok males ya,, habis gak ada yang folow aku sih,,,
Tom, the only things edited out of the show were long pauses and technical glitches. No one talked faster or tried to hurry. The show you heard is exactly as it happened minus the aforementioned edits.
Fläskytterfilè existerar inte som styckdetalj, det är bara ett trick av handeln för att bli av med fläskhare som ingen vill ha, bara att kalla en sån seg bit filè?